Home > Announcement > Announce > Gen Ed SSRU announces the regulations and procedures for the final exam, instructions for taking the exam, and the schedule for the final exam for general education subjects via the flexspace.ssru.ac.th platform.
Gen Ed SSRU announces the regulations and procedures for the final exam, instructions for taking the exam, and the schedule for the final exam for general education subjects via the flexspace.ssru.ac.th platform.

admin fm
2024-09-18 10:37:54

Gen Ed SSRU announces the regulations and procedures for the final exam, instructions for taking the exam, and the schedule for the final exam for general education subjects via the flexspace.ssru.ac.th platform.

Exam Instructions
*** If you are not ready for the exam, do not press the Next button because the system will start timing the exam immediately. ***
*** The exam will appear in each course (FlexSpace platform) only on the exam day and time. ***
1. Exam room opening-closing times

Open for exam on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 12.00 p.m.
Close for answers on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 12.00 p.m.
2. Students will take 30 questions, worth 15 points.
3. Do not take multiple subjects at the same time because the exam time will start timing for all subjects at the same time.
4. You can take the exam only once. You have 60 minutes to do the exam (time counted after taking the exam).
5. Press the Submit button to submit your answers for each question only.
6. Do not save and share this question or exam to anyone. All rights reserved for this exam. Legal effect
7. You can check your exam results from Tuesday, October 22, 2024 onwards in the "Progress" menu.
*Note: If you encounter any problems during the exam, you can contact us to inquire/report problems during the exam.
You can contact us to inquire/report problems during the exam on the following days and times: October 15-22, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Contact channels
** Line Openchat for each subject
** Line Official Account: @genedssru
** Telephone: 065-9595313, 062-5933664